Lind Marine Dredging Services for Marinas & Homeowners

Lind Marine is proud to announce it has launched an entire NEW FLEET of marina and homeowner dredging equipment.

Providing services throughout the San Francisco Bay and Delta, and the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, since 1906.

Lind Marine Added Capabilities

  • Fleet of 4 new dump scows designed to fit in all marinas and homeowner docks
  • New electric clam shell dredge, ABS loadline, designed to dig out slips up to 90’ long
  • Pile driving, dock repair, seawall repair and installation
  • In house permitting department
  • Survey boat with brand new state of the art single beam system
  • Small and large vessel salvage
  • Full service shipyard

Please call Lind Marine at 707-762-7251 for all dredging inquiries or through our Contact Form