Lind Marine Restores Historic Klamath Ferry

The Klamath Arrives in San Francisco!!

August 27, 2022

It takes a village. In this case it’d be impossible to list all the people who were involved in making the Bay Area Counsel’s dream of retrofitting a 1920s ferry into a home base & floating office. Countless hours, by countless people, went into beautifully restoring the Klamath.

Lind Marine is proud to have been selected by the Bay Area Council, initially to bring her from Stockton to our dry dock & yard. Secondly for entrusting us with the retrofit & finally getting the site at Pier 9 ready, with the expert help of Lassen Pile.

The hard work & dedication to this project came together yesterday with the successful delivery of the Klamath to her new home on the water front.

Learn more about the Klamath at the websites for the Historic Klamath, the Bay Area Council, and the report at the SF Chronicle.