The Klamath Arrives in San Francisco!! August 27, 2022 It takes a village. In this case it’d be impossible to list all the people who were involved in making the Bay Area Counsel’s dream of retrofitting a 1920s ferry into a home base & floating office. Countless hours, by countless people, went into beautifully restoring […]
Lind Marine Assists PG&E with Emergency Repairs of Napa River Electrical Towers In November 2020, Lind Marine Incorporated, was contracted by Ballard Marine Construction to provide dredging, disposal and sheet pile construction in support of an emergency repair for a PG&E electrical tower carrying overhead lines adjacent to the Napa River in Dutchman Slough off […]
Lind Marine Completes Waterborne Data Center Barge Project JULY 13, 2020 – VALLEJO, CA Lind Marine, a Shipyard on the Mare Island Naval Complex in Vallejo, California, recently completed construction of a multi-year design-build waterborne data center project for Nautilus Data Technologies and has towed the vessel to Port of Stockton for permanent mooring. The vessel, named […]
Lind Marine is proud to announce it has launched an entire NEW FLEET of marina and homeowner dredging equipment. Providing services throughout the San Francisco Bay and Delta, and the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, since 1906. Lind Marine Added Capabilities Please call Lind Marine at 707-762-7251 for all dredging inquiries or through our Contact […]
The Marine Science Institute in Redwood City, worked long and hard to secure permits for the environmental reconstruction of their beach. While the permitting process took much longer than expected, the Institute was please to have Lind Marine complete the restoration of the beach in time for Spring boaters to enjoy easier and safer access to the water. […]
Blu Harbor Marina Dredging APRIL 2019 The launch of a new fleet of marina and homeowner dredging equipment has enabled Lind Marine to reach smaller, shallower areas which many other dredge operators are unable to service. Lind Marine’s recent marina dredging project at Blu Harbor in Redwood City California, was centered around the maintenance of […]
The Harbor Queen is a Red and White Fleet 300 passenger ship that offers dining for 80. It typically can be seen cruising along the San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf with a load of happy tourists. But now, for a short while, the boat can be seen getting its regular Coast Guard Inspection and a fresh paint job, […]
Port of Stockton Pile Driving NOVEMBER 2018 Lind Marine driving piling at the Port of Stockton Nov, 29 2018. The piles are 100’ long, 44” diameter, 1.44” wall, 75,000 pounds each and had to be driven to exact tolerances. Very difficult project, and the crew did a perfect job, as usual.
Petaluma’s Longest Park September 2018 Pile driving supplied by Lind Marine made the construction of Petaluma’s, The Floathouse, possible. Construction began in mid-September with the installation of the seven pilings that will secure this unique small craft rental center to the bottom of the Petaluma River. It is an exciting new downtown destination for those […]
1175 Nimitz Avenue, Suite 120, Vallejo, CA 94592
Phone: 707-762-7251 Fax: 707-762-2129
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, closed Noon-1pm
General Engineering Contractor LIC. #1097503
1175 Nimitz Avenue, Suite 120, Vallejo, CA 94592
Sales: 707-778-9828 Ex.-102 Office: 707-778-9828
Fax: 707-778-9827
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-4pm, closed Noon-1pm